Miss Pearlman
Friday April 5 at 11:00am - Out Of The Box Program
(Vancouver, 3:23 minutes, Englsih)
An homage to 1930s-1940s cinema.
By combining a photo manipulated matte image with live-action footage to create the illusion of a distant location, Miss Pearlman could live in the present through her memories of the past.
‘We are who we remember ourselves to be’.
Patti Henderson
I have always been interested in the mixing of materials and technology with traditional storytelling. The central theme of which, revolves around the human journey, exploring our place in the world and personal identity. My creative evolution currently includes film, mixed media, and writing. Value your art. Contribute a voice.
Director Patti Henderson
Screenwriter Michael Yudcovitch
Producer Wade Fenig
Executive Producers Michael Baser
Michael Chase
Cinematographer Gregory J Brown
Editor Zachary D. KerrHolden Sound Design David Murphy
Narrator Michael Kopsa
Principle Cast Gabrielle O’Neil
Teddy Kellog
Ethel Pritchard