CVIFF 2022
2022 Festival.
After an incredibly successful online-only screenwriting festival in 2021, we are expanding in 2022 to become a fully bona fide film festival! And we’ll be screening our films in an actual live venue (remember those?).
We will be screening collections of curated shorts every afternoon, Friday to Sunday, and at least one feature film every night. And, just as with our online festival, there will be lots of networking events, including an opening gala, a Saturday night cocktail party at a local micro-brewery, and a closing ceremony on Sunday.
In terms of competitions, there are four submission categories in the Films competition and three in the Screenwriting competitions:
There are four submission categories:
1. International Feature (minimum 70 minutes)
2. International Short (maximum 35 minutes)
3. Canadian Short (maximum 35 minutes)
4. Vancouver Island Short (maximum 35 minutes)
There are three submission categories:
1. International Feature (maximum 125 pages)
2. International Short (maximum 35 pages)
3. BC Short (maximum 35 pages) - open to writers who are BC residents
The winners of, and finalists in. each category will receive a laurel and a public shout-out. We also hope to get some of the best scripts pitched to producers.